Stuff Hub
year: 2012
Location: Manhattan, NY
advisor: Rients Dijikstra
collaborators: Alex Marshall
description: The stuff hub, a project derivative of intense research on America's increasingly desired storage habits, seeks to situate itself into the urban context as a system of dense towers, designed to store all of New Yorker's seasonal property in a single generational instance.

The hub, in a sense, became a vertical version of storage centers in suburbs, but instead of existing on the periphery, we bring them to the forefront--creating a public spectacle, a meeting place, a monument to stuff.

When the average square footage of storage is calculated and multiplied by population of manhattan, we subdivided accordingly to where people lived and population density in those areas. The result is an axis of stuff hubs, where any individual's residence is no more than .5 miles from their potential satellite storage.

Ideally, each stuff hub would be designed by a different architect, embracing the variance and monumentality of such a tower. We chose to focus on SH13 as a case study of the typology and architecture.